Rockville Pipeline Company
Rockville, Utah

The current water share applicants are as follows:

  1. DeMille, Dwight
  2. Hirschi, Garland
  3. Ballard, Jeff and Shirley
  4. Orton, Robert
  5. McGuire, Dan
  6. Whitaker, Lyman
  7. Excell, Gary
  8. Foreman, William
  9. Lee, Bud
  10. Keller, Richard
  11. Toomey, James


According to the bylaws:



Section 2.  Applications to Connect to the Water System.

An applicant shall apply to the Board and pay an application fee as fixed by the Board.  The Board shall hold each application and fee on a first come, first serve basis until water becomes available to grant such application.  The Board may periodically send written notice to all applicants on the waiting list regarding the status of applications and the availability of water.  Upon the availability of water, the Board shall notify the applicant, who has one (1) year to improve his property sufficiently to connect to the main water system, if improvements do not already allow for connection into the system. 

   Failure to connect to the main water system within one year will result in a forfeiture of that applicant's position on the waiting list to the next junior applicant and his application shall go to the bottom of the waiting list.  For good cause shown, the Board may extend the one year period for not more than an additional six (6) months.

If the application is granted, the application fee will be applied to the applicant’s water bill, assessments, or charges. If the application is denied, the application fee shall be forfeited to the company.  No applications are transferable or assignable in any manner provided that the Board may grant an exception if (1) there is evidence that the application was not made for speculation, and (2) the property for which the application is intended is being sold to a bona fide third party purchaser.

Applicants may not purchase Stock until notified of the acceptance of their application, and any stock certificate will not be issued until the connection is made at completed designated parcels as hereinabove provided. Payments made for stock purchased but not delivered due to forfeited application status will be refunded.

The application must state the location, kind of improvement to the land, number of taps, number of previous water connections, and the entire area of ground to be supplied, truly and fully state the purpose for which the water is to be used. When such application is accepted by the Board of Directors and when the applicant has complied with all Bylaws, rules, and regulations, and has purchased and paid for one share of stock for each separate domestic connection, the water master may designate which main or service pipe that is most convenient for supplying the designated parcel of the applicant. Each applicant is responsible for paying for the actual connection to the main water distribution system and shall comply with the Bylaws and all other relevant regulations in this respect.

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    page created August 2006