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Rockville Pipeline Company

Annual Shareholders Meeting

March 4th 2009


Representatives of 86 shares were in attendance

With the existing 152 shares, 86 shares would comprise 56%.

Meeting was called to order at 8:10pm

Agenda item #1 - Minutes

Jim Starling reviewed the minutes from last year and a motion was made (by Dan McGuire) to accept minutes from last year as read, and seconded (by Garland Hirschi).  Motion carried.        

Agenda item #2 – Water Report

            Rob Snyder read the report of water used.  Total usage in 2008 was 11,266,720 gallons.   This was down from 13,243,460 gallons in 2007 indicating that conservation efforts may be paying off.

Agenda item #3 – System Report

           Jim Starling reported repairs that have been made to the system including:

·        moving the meter for Jim Jones’s connection

·        a new fire hydrant for Orel Hirschi

·        repairs to the main line by the Rockville Bridge

·        numerous hydrants have been rebuilt or repaired. 

·        Numerous meters were replaced and back flow protection added

·        Gate to the tank access road on Karl Hammer’s property repaired

·        New water line on Hirschi Lane to Julie Mckown’s property.


            There is plan to flush the system by the fire hydrants on the 20th of March.  The “phone tree” brown water warning system will be utilized.


Agenda item #4 – Financial Statement

           Michael Evenson read the financial report for the year 2008. 

·        Checkbook balance started $8000.00 and ended at $10,000.00. 

·        The CD started at $42,000 and ended at $45,397.48. 

·        Current bank account total equals $55,463.66.

·        $10,000 was spent on water from Springdale

·        $12,000 was spent on supplies

·        Total dept equals $119,000.

·        Largest loan will retire in 2039


Jeff Ballard moved to approve the financial statement and Barry Shochat seconded.  Motion carried.


Agenda item #5 – Point of Diversion Proposal

Jim Starling read a letter explaining a proposal to establish a Point of Diversion for ¾ CFS from the Rockville Ditch Co. (RDC) to the Town of Springdale so the water can be treated and delivered back to Rockville as drinking water.  This proposal is necessary to protect the water rights of the RDC and will provide water to cover the emergency needs of Rockville during high use months.  The proposal will not increase the number of water shares available from the RPC.

Rick Wixom from Town of Springdale stated that Springdale’s goals were the same as Rockville’s and that it is important for the two neighbor towns to work together.


Agenda item #6 – Expired Board Terms

            The terms of President Jim Starling and Secretary Rob Snyder expired Dec. 31st 2008.  Jim Starling is stepping down from the RPC board.  Max Gregoric was appointed to the board and nominated as President.  Rob Snyder was re-appointed Secretary.  Zack Martin was also appointed the board and Karen Crawford was introduced as clerk.

            Jim Starling was thanked for his work on the RPC board and progress that was made in the company under his leadership was acknowledged.


Agenda item #8 – Adjourn

Motion to adjourn was moved and seconded.  Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm